If you live near Pelto Bulldogges we would like to offer female and male puppy buyers an option the make money on thier pets and allow us to continue breeding. We are not going to re home any of our dogs and can't have anymore.
Male pups:
If you buy a male puppy for full price you have the option to allow Pelto Bulldogges to retain breeding rights for the life of the dog. If this is allowed, Pelto Bulldogges will post the dog for stud on www.peltobulldogges.com. If a breeding is sold you will be paid 30% of the stud fee. Ed Pelto would be allowed to take the dog for up to one week at a time in order to do a breeding. In addition, you will be allowed to breed the dog on your own if you sell a breeding. Ed Pelto or Mary Beth Young would be allowed to use the dog for breeding for free if they choose to use the dog.

Female pups:
You have the option to let Pelto Bulldogges breed your dog when the time is right. If this is allowed Pelto Bulldogges will pay you $200 per puppy when the pups are delivered to the buyer. Your dog would come to Pelto Bulldogges a few days before the due date and remain here until pups are weened. Usually 5-6 weeks. All money from pups will go to Pelto Bulldogges. All vet costs do to breeding will be the responsibility of Pelto Bulldogges.